
Mindfulness for Balance

Choice matters! We may have the best intentions to do the right thing, but in order to actually do it we need awareness, consciousness or mental discipline. For example, I may have an intention to eat an apple as a snack as oppose to a hot dog because intellectually or logically I understand that eating an apple will provide health promoting nutrients that will nourish my body, whereas, eating a processed or refined food like a hot dog will drain my energy and will compromise overall health in the long run. And yet even with all the intellectual background related to the health benefits of an apple I may make a choice to eat a Hot Dog, why? because it tastes good and gives me instant gratification even though it compromises my overall health in the long run. The difference between picking a hot dog or an apple in this situation is Awareness or Consciousness or being completely present in the moment to understand how this one simple choice impacts my long term health and everything else around me (poor physical and mental health often leads to poor choices in personal and professional life).

The Going Yogue style of Yoga is specifically designed to make the practice of Mindfulness (Awareness, Consciousness or Mental Discipline) easily accessible to everyone.

Guarav Singh of Going Yogue is a phenomenal yoga instructor. I started practicing yoga regularly in 2003 and got certified to teach in 2004. Guarav is one of the best yoga instructors I’ve had. He does an excellent job of integrating the breathe into yoga postures and emphasizes only going as far as the breath and body allow. The practice was invigorating and rejuvenating with modifications based on my limitations. I am excited to continue learning from and deepening my yoga practice with Guarav.


Great combination of mindfulness, stretch and exercise and completely joyful experience!


Gaurav’s unique and vastly superior classes are gaining such popularity that it is difficult to “get in the door!” He brings a wealth of knowledge from many schools of thought that is rare to find in the mainstream yoga, instructor community. His classes are truly transformational to the body. mind and spirit. . I feel like a different person both physically and mentally. I leave with new insights and tools to apply both to my day-to-day life, and to my personal yoga, breathwork and meditation practice.
Gaurav carries with him a beautiful energy and wisdom, that emanates through his generosity of time, encouragement and expertise on a variety of subjects, to further empower us as we go back to the challenges and opportunities of the day!


Gaurav’s classes are truly and amazing experience and one tht has become integral to my practice. He has shown me what meditation can be through movement. I find myself being able to push myself in his classes through my body breath and mind and supersede my limitations. He has so much knowledge to share and I am so thankful to be able to deepen my practice with him. Gaurav, has a magic about his teaching that makes you so comfortable and motivated in every class.


Gaurav gives me private yoga lesson one a week. I like his emphasis on breathing and enjoy the challenge of attempting more and more difficult poses as the weeks go by. Gaurav keeps the mood positive and provides gentle guidance when I don’t get something quite right. There seem to be an unlimited number of poses and Gaurav appears to know them all. I am a former runner and the great feeling I have after each session reminds me of the runner’s high.
